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Gorefield Primary Academy

Gorefield Primary Academy

Caring, sharing, thinking, learning


At Gorefield Primary Academy we follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and work towards achieving the Early Learning Goals.


There are seven areas of learning and development in the Statutory Framework. These are composed of the three Prime Areas: 


  • Communication and Language,

  • Physical Development,

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development.


With four Specific Areas:


  • Literacy – reading and writing,

  • Mathematics – number, number patterns and shape, space and measure,

  • Understanding of the World – past and present, people, culture and communities and the natural world,

  • Expressive Arts – creating with materials, being imaginative and expressive.


At Gorefield, we are sensitive to and support the needs of all children. We provide an environment that enables children to develop the characteristics needed to become an effective learner. In turn, this makes it possible for them to gain the knowledge and skills set out in our curriculum and more, and also ensuring they are ready for school beyond the EYFS.


Children enjoy a wide range of learning experiences through a combination of the carefully planned curriculum and the consideration of their individual interests and fascinations. Teaching is delivered through a mixture of whole class, small group and one to one sessions, but also through the opportunities for play and interaction within our indoor and outdoor Continuous Provision.

Learning is constantly observed, which enables adults to identify children's next steps and support them to achieve these.  Any 'Wow' moments are shared with parents via their child's Portfolio on Class Dojo.

Statutory and Non-Statutory EYFS Documents


Please click on the link to view:


Statutory Framework for the EYFS

Development Matters - Non-statutory guidance


Birth to 5 Matters - Non-statutory guidance

The following website gives families ideas of activities as to how they can support their child in preparation for primary school and during the reception year.
