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Gorefield Primary Academy

Gorefield Primary Academy

Caring, sharing, thinking, learning


Thank you to the many parents who ensure that their children attend regularly and arrive in time. The following information does not affect most families but we would like to highlight the effects of late arrival and/or non-attendance.


Late Arrival at School


We ask that parents  and carers ensure that children arrive at school in time to be in class by 8.50am so that the register can be taken promptly and efficiently.


When your child arrives late at school, he/she misses the teacher’s instructions and the induction to the lesson. Your child may also feel embarrassed at having to enter the classroom late.

Minutes late per day during the school yearEquals days worth of teaching lost in a year
5 Minutes3.2 Days
10 Minutes6.3 Days
15 Minutes9.5 Days
20 Minutes12.7 Days
30 Minutes20.7 Days


End of Day Lateness


We know that emergencies happen which mean that a parent/carer may occasionally arrive late to collect their child/children at the end of the day. Please try to let the office know as soon as possible by telephone if this is going to be the case.  We now run an after school provision, Monday-Friday 3.15-4.15pm, if you are later than 3.20 in picking up your child, for their safety, will be placed in this provision and a charge will be incurred.


Term Time Absence


Penalty notices may be issued by the local authority to parent/carers taking unauthorised leave during term time. Please may we remind parents and carers that where term time absence is unavoidable it is necessary to provide proof of the reason for this. Please ask at the office if you are unclear about this.


A leave of absence form is available from the office.


We would like to thank those of you who are trusting us with your children when you are unsure how well they are feeling. In many cases, the children perk up and settle into the day happily - we will contact you if this is not the case, and will continue to look after your children and to earn your trust.

Attendance Does Matter - Letter from Trust September 2022

What does poor attendance and lateness mean to your child's education?
