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Gorefield Primary Academy

Gorefield Primary Academy

Caring, sharing, thinking, learning

Emotional Wellbeing

Our ultimate aim, here at Gorefield, is to create a culture that promotes and supports emotional and mental health needs.  Both Mrs Hempsall and Miss Freeburn, have the remit to be available to assist the school and Head teachers with ensuring the needs of staff, children and parents, around Mental health issues, are either met or signposted.  

We have a team of trained mental health support staff to include an ELSA trained learning assistant Mrs Hewitt, a play therapist and a Level 2 trained counsellor (Miss Freeburn) furthermore we are also part of the NHS mental health project in Fenland.  All classrooms have facilities to aid calming and to also enable children to talk about their feelings and emotions.  Finally, we engage closely with our family worker who can assist parents. 



The mental health team will

  • Work directly with staff, pupils and parents

  • Work with teachers to support pupils

  • Facilitate group work and peer support sessions

  • Embed the Emotional Health and Wellbeing policy

  • Liaise with external agencies


If you wish to contact the Mental Health and Wellbeing lead, please contact the office at - This is currently Mrs Hempsall.


Please find below some useful links for parents and carers.
